
Leia Walker

Leia is class of 2022 at Princeton, from the beautiful city of Bethesda, Maryland. She enjoys dancing contemporary and hip-hop, but she is willing to dance in any style that makes her feel good. Leia committed to dancing in the sixth grade and has never stopped since! Outside of dance, her close proximity to Washington, D.C. has given her a real aspiration for learning about various cultures and how they form communities. Hence, she is pursuing a major in the Comparative Literature. If you see her and you feel that English is not exciting enough, you can speak to her in French or Arabic and she will happily respond to the best of her ability! Leia is also a part of SIFP and PFA, and enjoys gaining new insights from her various communities. Finally, Leia is grateful for her fellow BodyHype members as they motivate her to be the optimal version of herself.