
Audrey Yan

Aud is class of '22 and a freshly minted freshly declared Civil Engineering concentrator, hoping to also acquire a Linguistics certificate. She, like 19% of the Princeton student population, hails from good ol' Jersey, but lives life with an ever growing sense of wanderlust. Her pre-college dance experience consisted of gawking at the beautiful student dance groups on campus and binging nondescript hip hop choreography videos on YouTube (and passionately wishing she could dance). Outside of BodyHype, she's also publicity chair for Triple 8 Dance Company and immerses herself in classical voice with Glee Club 5.5 hours a week. Aud (didimentionitookagapyearabroad) is obsessed with foreign languages and is looking for someone to please teach her Spanish or be her German language buddy! She is SO HYPE to learn and grow with BodyHype and couldn't be more thrilled to join the red fam.